Myth of Sisyphus
Sisyphus is a Greek mythological figure. He was the King/Founder of Ephyra (Corinth), father of the Corinthian king Glaucus by Merope (his wife). He is supposed to have founded the Isthmian games in honour of Melicertes, promoted navigation and commerce, but will always be known for the punishment he received in the underworld after his death.
Sisysphus was ordered to roll a huge boulder up a hill, where everytime he set it down (at nightfall) it would roll back down the hill. The gods thought there would not be a worse punishment than futile labor; for he was condemned to repeat his labor continuously for all eternity. Since then he has been compared to the sun that rises and falls everyday, and has been compared to the quest for knowledge. I can say that I have experienced the Sisyphean challenge in my quest for knowledge, and although exasperating at times - It is totally worth it!
There have been literary works written describing his quest, my favorite is "Sisyphus' Pet Rock" by Thomas Carper. For more, interesting information please visit the famous essay by Albert Camus called The Myth of Sisyphus. Camus portrays the true torture of the character, his will and his strength which lies in his consciousness and acceptance. Very much recommend it.
For historical data info visit: Wikipedia
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