Thursday, September 15, 2005

New subject: rediscover treasures

When I was little (or smaller) hehe, I would never have thought of a book as a treasure; but now that I NEED THEM - I am beginning to appreciate the value of a good book. Mind you, they are not novels - as much as I love the Harry Potter books - there are other books, which I am starting to value more each day. They do not necessarily bring me joy, like the afore mentioned; but something even more valuable for me today - enlightens = an answer to my questions (and prayers). It is so precious to understand a difficult concept for the first time! I feel so thankful for those FEW authors (professors) that took time from their lives and finally explained something clearly. A couple of my treasures were written by Sheffi, (Bradley, Hax, Magnanti) & (Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin).

PS> Pardon my geekiness - Don't worry, it does not surface often.


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