Women equality
I have a friend having a nice discussion about Iranian men and her method of dating them. Basically many Iranian men do not think women are equal to men. There was this guy that commented, you know what? I know many non-Iranian guys who do not think men and women are equal. He's right. I guess I didn't need to think about it for ages now, 'cause all the men in my life do think we're equal. For that I'm grateful.
When I was younger I was very interested in how women rights developed. I was and am very proud of the women who fought for our right to vote. I'm glad for our right to work and choose a career, to choose the guy to marry, to be able to be by ourselves, go out, stay in, etc. We have the right to be ourselves and follow our dreams. These are rights we should still fight for. We should spread the word. A man is not less when he cooks dinner, he is more. A woman is not less when she fixes a car, she is just not ordinary.
So, for all those men who do not know that we are equal, that there are no women and men roles in life, that instead of a "woman of the house" they should be looking for a friend who will become his soul-mate; I pity thee.
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