Wednesday, September 28, 2005

HARRY POTTER is here!!!

I am a HUGE fan of the Harry Potter books and although the movies will never be as good as the books, I am very excited with this one "Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire". Actually the 4th book is one of my favorites in the series and this is its movie! Also the trailer looks very promising, so I can't wait. Click on the title link if you want to see it. The movie starts on Nov. 18!!

Man I'm so depressed now. I thought I was in October already, a friend made me realize we're only in Sept. and Harry is 50 (not 20) days away!! *sniff*
Thank you YODA.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the poet

Oliver Wendell Holmes once attended a meeting in which he was the shortest man present. "Dr. Holmes," quipped a friend, "I should think you'd feel rather small among us big fellows." "I do," retorted Holmes, "I feel like a dime among a lot of pennies." ~Author Unknown

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes formed part of the transcedentalist movement. Period that was described by the Encyclopedia Brittanica as a "19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of man, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths".

Here you can find a sample of his work and thought titled DEPARTED DAYS.

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway. ~Mary Kay Ash

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You cannot conceive the many without the one, Plato(427-347 BC).

Friday, September 16, 2005

Myth of Sisyphus

Sisyphus is a Greek mythological figure. He was the King/Founder of Ephyra (Corinth), father of the Corinthian king Glaucus by Merope (his wife). He is supposed to have founded the Isthmian games in honour of Melicertes, promoted navigation and commerce, but will always be known for the punishment he received in the underworld after his death.

Sisysphus was ordered to roll a huge boulder up a hill, where everytime he set it down (at nightfall) it would roll back down the hill. The gods thought there would not be a worse punishment than futile labor; for he was condemned to repeat his labor continuously for all eternity. Since then he has been compared to the sun that rises and falls everyday, and has been compared to the quest for knowledge. I can say that I have experienced the Sisyphean challenge in my quest for knowledge, and although exasperating at times - It is totally worth it!

There have been literary works written describing his quest, my favorite is "Sisyphus' Pet Rock" by Thomas Carper. For more, interesting information please visit the famous essay by Albert Camus called The Myth of Sisyphus. Camus portrays the true torture of the character, his will and his strength which lies in his consciousness and acceptance. Very much recommend it.

For historical data info visit: Wikipedia

Thursday, September 15, 2005

369,930 @ CHUZZLE!!!

Broke all the records!! Never playing again! Finally!! See if you can beat me now!! hahahaha

New subject: rediscover treasures

When I was little (or smaller) hehe, I would never have thought of a book as a treasure; but now that I NEED THEM - I am beginning to appreciate the value of a good book. Mind you, they are not novels - as much as I love the Harry Potter books - there are other books, which I am starting to value more each day. They do not necessarily bring me joy, like the afore mentioned; but something even more valuable for me today - enlightens = an answer to my questions (and prayers). It is so precious to understand a difficult concept for the first time! I feel so thankful for those FEW authors (professors) that took time from their lives and finally explained something clearly. A couple of my treasures were written by Sheffi, (Bradley, Hax, Magnanti) & (Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin).

PS> Pardon my geekiness - Don't worry, it does not surface often.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I am very moody today (PMS) and that ANNOYS ME, so I can only imagine how my friends feel. It is so exasperating when you know you're a pain and although you try to control it you're not sure you have - and I know some painness must slip out. It's enfuriating!!

On the other hand, I find it very funny that I hate it when I hear it is because of your period. Although we know it's true, we just don't like to hear it! hehehe Women!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Summer trip

This summer I was able to visit Italy, a country I had always dreamed of visiting, and it was great!! fabulous! excellent! bellisimo!!! We explored Rome, the Vatican, Pompeii (in Naples), Florence and Pisa. We had lots of fun, food (pasta, my favorite) and capuccinos. Since pictures are worth more than 1000 words, here is our photo album. I only wish I was still there! We are already planning our next visit. We fell in love with the country.